Saturday, May 23, 2009

Our Inaugural Post

Hello everybody!

Thank you for checking our our blog. I have been meaning to start a blog now for the past year so family and friends can watch Riley grow. With so many friends and family so far away I figured it was a great way to keep in touch. Riley is almost 8 months old so I decided it was now or never. If you know if anybody who might be interested in checking out our blog please feel free to pass it along.

Here's our girl!


  1. Yay! I'm so happy you have a blog. Can't wait to see more pictures of this precious girl.

  2. She is such a doll - that picture is so sweet. Yea for blogging! Alexander can't wait to play with her this summer. :) (Hi, Morgandi! This is a RFUMS mommies reunion!)

    I can't wait to see more pictures and hear all about her adorable shenanigans.

  3. Thanks for sharing your precious girl...its a great idea. Waiting to see more pictures.

    have a great weekend!
