Monday, December 5, 2011


Riley started dance class in September!  For those of you who met me later in my life I danced for many, many years and it was a very important part of my life.  So when Riley started dance it was a big deal in our house.  I didn't realize how much I wanted her to dance and how excited I was until we started looking for a studio and shopping for dance clothes! 

The best part ... Riley absolutely loves it!!  She can't get enough of it.  Although she only goes to class once a week our kitchen has become her stage and she dances for us everyday.  Now I am happy to say that she will try many things in her life.  Soccer in the spring in the next adventure and anybody that knows her Dad knows that sports will play a role in her life.  And if in the future Riley decides she doesn't want to dance anymore I will be perfectly okay with that.  But for now, my girl is a dancer through and through and I love it!!