Sunday, February 7, 2010

She listens well!

Like most parents we try to teach Riley right from wrong. That doesn't seem to be going so well. Usually when we tell her "no, don't do that" she usually does it even more while laughing at us. We're hoping it's her age, if it's not we are in a world of hurt! Here is an example:

Riley, please don't climb on the stairs...

Riley, don't climb on the stairs...

Riley, don't climb on the stairs, don't go any further!!!


After pulling her off of the stairs screaming and crying followed.

Yes, Adam and I are in trouble. Wish us luck!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I know, I know!

Okay, so I'm a horrible blogger. All I can say is that I always have good intentions.

Well, Riley is almost 16 months old and getting bigger every day and is the smartest little girl ever (I'm not biased at all;) Here are a few pictures from the last couple of months.

My Beautiful niece Kendall!!

We attempted a "photo shoot' for holiday cards. Since none of you got holiday cards from us you know how it went.

I know, lets use a prop! Great idea!

Christmas Day!

Walking and destruction - two of Riley's favorite things!

Playing in her ball pit farm!

(she laid like this for a while)


Thanks for checking out our blog! I hereby solemnly swear to try to post more often!