When I say Riley keeps us on our toes I am not exaggerating. A couple of weeks ago Riley came down with some kind of viral infection. We went to the doctor and of course he told us there wasn't much we could do. She eventually started feeling better and things seemed good for a couple of days. Then she started coughing and not feeling great. We had already planned to take her to the doctor this past Friday to get her number 2 flu shot so we decided to get her checked out again. Now they said she had a double hear infection and the cough was due to nasal drip. The Dr. said after a couple days of antibiotics she will be feeling much better. The next morning, Halloween, went well. You can check out my previous post, she looks great. After playing in her costume she took a good nap. After waking from her nap she was no longer happy and was wheezing a little. That evening and night was rough as she wasn't feeling good and continued to wheeze and cough. This only worsened on Sunday. We decided to take her to the ER. Being first time parents we realized we could be overreacting but thought we would be better safe then sorry. When we got to the ER they took us in right away as they were concerned about her breathing. After hooking her up to the monitor we realized her oxygen level was at 88 (should be above 95). Suddenly there were a handful of people in the room. They immediately put her on oxygen and gave her an hour long breathing treatment. After the breathing treatment Riley had a chest x-ray done which revealed she had pneumonia on both sides of her lungs. Needless to say they started antibiotics right away and admitted her. She was admitted on Sunday and we were finally able to come home today (Thursday). Except for two hours on Tuesday when I went home to shower (at the request of hospital staff - no just kidding) I never left her side. Needless to say it has been an extremely long week for all of us. One of the lessons learned: go with your gut. If you think your kid is sick (even when you took them to the Dr. twice in the last week and a half) do something about it.
But Riley is feeling so much better and we are so happy to be home. Trying to keep a 13 month old down (with a cannula, an IV and hooked to a monitor) is almost impossible but she did great. I am so proud of her. Don't get me wrong she had rough moments but overall she handled everything great. I am definitely looking forward to sleeping in my own bed. Which makes me ask why I am still on the computer. So I am going to bed. Here is a pic of Riley once she started feeling better.